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Freedom of Information Act

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act is designed to ensure the public has access to information about its taxing bodies and their decision-making processes. District 2 strives for open and transparent governing. The links at the right provide access to the District's most commonly requested information.

Submitting a FOIA Request

If the information you are seeking is not found in the document links to the right--or elsewhere on this website--you may request information online or in writing.

Click here for the BSD2 Online FOIA Request Form.

Your letter should include your name, your address, the date, and a daytime phone number where you can be contacted if there are any questions about your request. Describe the information you are seeking with sufficient detail to expedite the response. If the request is commercial in nature, that must be indicated, as response requirements are different.

District 2 FOIA Officer

Your request should be submitted to:

Paul Novack, FOIA Officer
Bensenville School District 2
Educational Administration Center
210 S. Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106

It is the FOIA Officer's responsibility to receive FOIA requests from the public and send responses in compliance with the Act.

Board of Education Policy

Click here for District Policy 2:250 Access to District's Public Records.

Further information regarding the Illinois Freedom of Information Act can be found on the Illinois Attorney General's website.

Click here for the Illinois Attorney General's website.

MORE INFO: Freedom of Information Act