Food & Nutrition
All students in Grades K-8 may receive free breakfast and lunch. This program is 100% funded by the US Department of Agriculture.
Students may also bring a lunch from home. Milk may be purchased by students not requesting a free meal.
Students will need to present their ID cards in their school’s meal lines to receive a free meal.
- À la carte items will still be available for cash purchases at Blackhawk Middle School.
- Lunch will be provided free of charge on field trip days.
Cold and hot breakfasts and cold and hot lunches are provided every school day.
The District participates in the USDA National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, which means all meals meet or exceed guidelines and regulations for the School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children.
All food is prepared in the Blackhawk Middle School kitchen and delivered to the elementary schools.
Contact Information - Food & Nutrition
Pam Laguna
Sodexo Food Services Manager
PH: 630-766-2601 ext. 2149
FX: 630-766-7612
Blackhawk Middle School
250 S. Church Rd.
Bensenville, IL 60106
7 a.m.-3 p.m.
Meals are now free for ALL BSD2 students!
Starting this year, District 2 will offer free breakfast and lunch to all students in Grades K-8.
The Illinois State Board of Education and the District 2 school board both approved the District’s participation in a different meals program - the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
In CEP, students will only need to present their ID cards in their school’s meal lines to receive a free meal.
- Families will no longer have to submit applications to receive free or reduced-price meals.
- Parents will no longer have to deposit money into RevTrak or My School Bucks, or send cash or checks to the school office to pay for meals.
- The District will contact parents with balances to arrange for refunds.
- À la carte items will still be available for cash purchases at Blackhawk Middle School.
- Parents that prefer to send their child with lunch can still do so if they choose.
- Milk can still be purchased by students not obtaining a regular meal.
- Lunch will be provided free of charge on field trip days.