Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC)
School districts that have multilingual education programs must establish Bilingual Parent Advisory Committees (BPAC).
BPAC is composed of parents/guardians of students participating in the District’s Multilingual Education Program and interested members of the community. Two-thirds of the participants of the BPAC must be parents of students in the District’s Multilingual Education Program. All parents/guardians of students in the District’s Multilingual Education Program are invited to become members of the BPAC.
BPAC meets a minimum of four times a year, and participates in the planning, operation, and evaluation of the District’s Multilingual Education Program. BPAC also offers opportunities for parents/guardians to learn how they can become involved in their children’s education.
The purpose of the Bensenville School District 2 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee is:
- To maintain communication between the District and parents/guardians of students in its Multilingual Education Program.
- To provide parents/guardians of students in the District’s Multilingual Education Program opportunities to learn about and comment on the program;
- To inform parents/guardians about the goals and benefits of bilingualism, biliteracy education, and English as a Second Language (ESL);
- To identify themes of interest to parents/guardians; and
- To review the annual Multilingual Service Plan
BPAC Meetings - School Year 2024 - 2025
BPAC-New Officials School Year 24-25.pdf
BPAC Meeting Agenda 09_05_24.pdf