Students & Families
The parent-school connection is the most important link to student success. At Bensenville District 2, we all work to foster two-way communication.
See the many resources and links provided in the menu at left, watch for District and school newsletters throughout the year, and follow our social media accounts.
Additional Information
If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us. We strive to respond to email inquiries within 24 hours or by the end of the next school day.
MORE INFO: Students & Families
- Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
- Attendance & Punctuality
- BSD2 Family Resource Center
- Enrollment & Registration
- Mental Health Supports
- Non-Discrimination Title IX & Anti-Harassment
- PowerSchool
- School Closing Information
- School Safety
- Student Handbook
- Title I Information
- Transcripts & Student Records
Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
Individuals with disabilities will be provided an opportunity to participate in all school-sponsored services, programs, or activities. Individuals with disabilities should notify the superintendent or building principal if they have a disability that will require special assistance or services and, if so, what services are required. This notification should occur as far in advance as possible of the school-sponsored function, program, or meeting.
Attendance & Punctuality
Attendance & Punctuality
Regular attendance is key to student success in school. Parents/guardians play a major role in this area by ensuring their children regularly attend school and arrive on time and ready to learn each day. Excessive absences may drastically affect student performance, so school absenteeism should be kept to a minimum.
Reporting Absences
A parent or guardian must call their school by 9 a.m. each day their child is not in attendance. If a call is not received and a reason for an absence not provided, school personnel will attempt to call a parent/guardian at home or work, or interview the student upon their return.
Excused Absences
State law requires every absence to be marked excused or unexcused. The following are valid causes for a student’s excused absences:
- Illness
- Observation of a religious holiday
- Death in the immediate family
- Family emergency
- Other situations approved by school administration
Unexcused Absences & Truancy
Unreported absences are unexcused and considered truancy. Truancy is when the school has no knowledge of a student's reason for absence. A chronic truant is any student absent without valid cause for 10 percent of the previous 180 regular attendance days, and chronic truancy is reported to the Regional Office of Education.
Schools will address unexcused absences and truancy through a series of parent/guardian contacts by teachers, social workers, and school administrators. The aim of these contacts will be to firmly establish solid attendance habits for the student. Unexcused absences and truancy are, however, the responsibility of parents/guardians, who are subject to penalties under state and local truancy laws.
Mental Health Absences
The Illinois School Code considers the mental and/or behavioral health of a student to be a valid cause for absence from school.
Therefore, parents/guardians may keep a student from school for up to five mental health absences with no need to provide a medical note. If reported to the school as mental health absences, they will be excused, and the student will be able to make up missed schoolwork.
Mental health absences can indicate a student needs additional support. If a student takes two or more mental health days during the school year, the school will contact their parents/guardians to conduct an emotional wellness check and determine if the student requires additional mental health support.
Tardy Policy
Middle school students arriving at school after 7:50 a.m., and elementary students arriving after 8:40 a.m., are considered tardy. They should report to the main office to receive a pass to their classroom, and they should be accompanied by a note or phone call from a parent/guardian explaining the reason they were tardy. Unexplained tardiness is unexcused. Middle school students will be issued office referrals at their fifth tardy and subsequent referrals will be written for every tardy after the fifth. Disciplinary consequences may be assigned to middle school students receiving office referrals.
School Attendance Lines
Blackhawk Middle School: 630-766-2601, voice mail box #4
Tioga School: 630-766-2602, voice mail box #2
W.A. Johnson School: 630-766-2605, voice mail box #2.
Bensenville Early Learning Center (Pre-Kindergarten): 630-521-2203
MORE INFO: Attendance & Punctuality
- Attendance Areas
- Dismissal
- Parent Messages & Student Phone Usage
- Releasing Students During the School Day
- Tuesday Early Dismissal
- Visitor Policy
Attendance Areas
Parents/guardians are expected to direct their children to go home immediately following the close of school or at the conclusion of any school function. Teachers and parents/guardians should discourage loitering. Parents/guardians are asked to cooperate with the school to enforce this rule.
Parents/guardians should notify the school office of transportation changes in advance, a minimum of one hour before dismissal.
Sometimes teachers may ask a student to stay after school. If a student is held after the end of the school day, parents/guardians will be contacted.
Parent Messages & Student Phone Usage
Parent Messages & Student Phone Usage
Parent Message to Students
If lunches or necessary school supplies are forgotten, parents may bring them to the school office and the student will be notified. Students will be given phone messages ONLY in case of an EMERGENCY. Parents should not contact students through cellphones or encourage students to contact them, as it disrupts the learning environment.
Phone Usage
Students may bring cell phones to school; however, they must remain turned off and may not be used in the school building unless under the direction of a teacher or administrator. This includes before school, after school, and at all extracurricular activities. Exceptions to this rule include if the phone is included in a student’s Individual Education Program or if the phone is needed in an emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff, or other individuals. If a student needs to call a parent or guardian, he or she may do so in the main office with the permission of school staff. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the phone being taken away from the student until a parent/guardian comes to the school to retrieve it. Further violations of this policy may result in additional consequences.
Releasing Students During the School Day
Releasing Students During the School Day
Once a child reaches school, it is the school’s obligation to keep the student until dismissal. If a student becomes ill during the school day, the principal or their designee must excuse the student, and a parent or guardian will need to pick the child up.
If a student needs to be released from school for a dental or medical appointment during the day, the parent/guardian must come to the school office and sign out the child before the student is released. The parent/guardian must provide a driver’s license or photo ID in order to pick up the student. A note to the classroom teacher stating the time and reason for the release would be appreciated.
Tuesday Early Dismissal
Visitor Policy
Visitor Policy
For safety purposes, all visitors are required to enter the school through the main entrance (Door 1) and report to the office upon entering the building. All visitors must sign in, provide a driver’s license or photo ID to be scanned against a state database, and wear a visitor’s pass prior to exiting the office and throughout the duration of their stay at school. All visitors must return their visitor’s pass and sign out, and their ID will be returned before leaving the building.
BSD2 Family Resource Center
BSD2 Family Resource Center
Helping ALL District 2 Families Learn & Grow Together!
Formerly known as the BSD2 Community Center, the BSD2 Family Resource Center has reorganized with a focus on helping connect District 2 families with community partners that provide ...
- Medical & Legal Aide
- Food & Clothing Services
- Citizenship & Language Assistance
- Social-Emotional Supports
- Parent Education & Workshops
- Other Helpful Resources for Families
Everyone is welcome—parents, students, staff, and community members! The BSD2 Family Resource Center is here to help ALL District 2 families learn and grow together.
MORE INFO: BSD2 Family Resource Center
Contact Information
BSD2 Family Resource Center Partners
BSD2 Family Resource Center Partners
- 211 DuPage (or dial 211 from your phone)
- Access DuPage
- Bensenville Community Public Library
- College of DuPage
- DuPage County Health Department
- Hamdard Health Bensenville
- La Familia Dental
- Legal Aid Society of Metropolitan Family Services
- Northeast DuPage Family Youth Services
- People’s Resource Center
- YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
- Village of Bensenville
- Bensenville Park District
- Bensenville-Wood Dale Food Pantry
For more information, please contact BSD2 Community Center at Tioga School at 630-766-2602 ext. 4255
Enrollment & Registration
Enrollment & Registration
Parents of students registering for the first time with Bensenville Elementary School District 2 must supply for each child:
- A certified copy of the child’s original birth certificate
- An up-to-date physical, dental, vision and immunization record
- An ISBE 33-78 Student Transfer Form from previous school attend, if applicable. (Click here for ISBE 33-78 Student Transfer Form.) Transferring students must be considered in good standing in order to register at a District 2 school.
- Proof of residency
- Required Proof of Residency (taken every August during registration day): Parents must present a photo ID and one of the following documents that show parent/guardian name and current District 2 address:
- Mortgage papers (homeowners)
- Lease agreement
- A letter of residence from landlord in lieu of lease (Click here for the Letter or Residence from Landlord in Lieu of Lease Form provided in Board Policy 7:60-AP2,E1.)
- A letter of residence to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a District 2 resident (Click here for the Letter of Residence to Be Used When the Person Seeking to Enroll a Student Is Living with a District Resident Form provided in Board Policy 7:60-AP2,E2.)
- Three additional documents from the list below, with current District 2 address: These documents should be the most recent.
- Bank account (savings or checking)
- Cable television bill
- Change of address form from post office
- Credit card bill
- Homeowner’s/renter's/auto insurance policy
- Loan payment book
- Paycheck showing current address
- Phone bill - home or cell
- Property Tax Bill
- Public aid card/Medical card with current address
- Utility bill (e.g. gas, electric, water)
- Vehicle registration
- Voter registration card
Health Examination Requirements: Kindergarten and sixth grade students are required to have physical and dental examinations. Second graders are also required to have a dental exam. Vision exams are required of all kindergarteners and any students new to the District.
MORE INFO: Enrollment & Registration
- Early Entrance to Kindergarten
- Fees & Online Payments
- Moving Form
- Online Registration for Returning Students
- Physical, Vision & Dental Examinations
- Required Examinations & Immunizations
Early Entrance to Kindergarten
Early Entrance to Kindergarten
Click here for Board Policy 6:135 - Accelerated Placement
Early Entrance to Kindergarten Requests
Purpose of Early Entrance to Kindergarten
As dictated by Illinois School Code, children enrolling in kindergarten in Bensenville School District 2 must be 5 years of age on or before September 1 of the year they are entering kindergarten.
District 2 recognizes that in select cases, children who demonstrate skills and maturity significantly higher than an average kindergarten student may benefit from beginning kindergarten prior to the typical age of 5. Early entrance to kindergarten is a form of whole-grade acceleration (Board Policy 6:135- Accelerated Placement Program). In order to be considered for early entrance into kindergarten, a student's fifth birthday must fall between September 2 and December 31 of the year they would be entering Kindergarten.
To accommodate these children, the District has outlined specific eligibility guidelines and procedures for early enrollment into kindergarten. Please note that there are no definitive criteria that guarantee a student will succeed in an early entrance environment. Rather, the District will consider several factors and work with families to determine the best choice for the student.
Even children who meet the guidelines for early placement into kindergarten may potentially face challenges stemming from their relative physical, social, or emotional immaturity. For these reasons, District 2 typically screens only a small number of children each year, with only a small number of those qualifying for early entrance.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten Procedures
- Parents who wish to have a child considered for early entrance to kindergarten must complete an Application for Early Entrance to Kindergarten form including a parent questionnaire. An additional questionnaire is also filled out by the child’s current preschool teacher if enrolled in a preschool program.
Click here for the Application for Early Entrance to Kindergarten Program Parent Questionnaire.
- Parents must return the forms along with a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate to the school office by May 15. This deadline includes any families that may move into the District after this date. This deadline is necessary for the planning of class sections and securing the amount of staff needed to meet the needs of all students.
- After turning in the completed forms to the school office prior to May 15, the parents will be contacted by the office staff to make an appointment to meet with the principal of the school the child will attend to discuss potential early entrance.
- District 2 will administer an initial screening exam. Parents will receive feedback on the test results. The District will use the following portions of the Illinois Snapshots of Early Literacy (ISEL) and the Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) assessments to gather the early screener data:
- Early Literacy: Comprehension of Kindergarten-ready text, letter-name recognition, letter-sound correspondence, phonological awareness, and emergent writing skills
- Math: Number sense (oral counting), number sense (object counting) add and subtract small quantities of objects, and knowledge of shapes and characteristics
- The Director of Teaching & Learning, the school principal, the MTSS & Assessment Coordinator, and the Curriculum Coordinator will serve as the Early Entrance Request Team that will consider the completed surveys and assessments, and will then make a determination as to readiness.
- After completion of the testing, parents will receive a phone call from the Director of Teaching & Learning to review the test results and discuss eligibility. Please know that if the request is denied, the data will be shared with your child’s kindergarten teacher to ensure that they are challenged based on their current levels.
- The early entrance team will issue the final decision.
Fees & Online Payments
Fees & Online Payments
No fees are charged for registration or field trips.
Items at additional costs include:
- Band instrument rental (Grade 5)
Middle School
- Student agenda, lanyard, and ID
- Physical education uniform
- Calculator
- Band instrument rental (Grades 6-8)
Pay for school fees online
You can pay school fees online at We accept Discover, Mastercard, or Visa. RevTrak, a national credit card payment processor, provides you the simple security and convenience of making online payments for your food service, athletic fees, and more—all in one location. You will need your Student ID number to set up an account.
Click here to visit the BSD2 Web Store.
Waiver of Fees
Families may be eligible to have fees waived if any of the following conditions are met:
- The student's household meets the same income guidelines that are used for the federal free meals program.
- A parent or guardian is a veteran or active-duty personnel with income below a certain guideline.
- The student is homeless.
- The family can otherwise establish an inability to afford payment of the fees.
Application forms for student fee waivers are available in the principal’s office, and are linked below:
Click here for the English fee waiver form.
Click here for the Spanish fee waiver form.
Completed forms should be submitted to the principal. Any inquiries should be directed to the principal of your child’s school. The use of false information to obtain a waiver is a felony under Illinois law.
Moving Form
Moving Form
If Your Child Will NOT Be Returning Next Year
If your child will not be returning to Bensenville School District 2 next year, please complete the moving form below, and we will then prepare your child’s transfer paperwork and send it home in the last week of school.
Moving Form
If Your Child Will NOT Be Returning Next Year
If your child will not be returning to Bensenville School District 2 next year, please complete the moving form below, and we will then prepare your child’s transfer paperwork and send it home in the last week of school.
Online Registration for Returning Students
Online Registration for Returning Students
Online registration for students returning to Bensenville School District 2 for the 2024-2025 school year will begin Wednesday, April 3, and conclude Friday, April 19. It will be conducted through the District's new PowerSchool student information system, and it will require parents to create PowerSchool Parent Portal account.
Please follow the instructions below to create your PowerSchool Parent Portal account and complete your child’s registration.
STEP 1: Registering for the 2024-2025 school year
You must log in to your Power School Parent Portal account in order to register. If you do not know the username or email address linked to your Parent Portal account, please contact your child's school.
- Go to
- In the “Sign In” tab, select a language, enter your login information, and click “Sign In.”
- Names of students linked to your account will be listed across the top of the page. Click the name of the student you want to register.
- Click the “Forms” icon in the “Navigation” menu on the left side of the page.
- Click the “2024-2025 Online Registration” link.
- Update the “Student Information” section as necessary.
- Answer to the four questions in the “Parent/Guardian/Emergency Contact” section.
- Update the “Parent/Guardian and Emergency Contacts” section as necessary.
- Review the“Current Medical Conditions” and add any necessary updates in the box below.
- Update the information listed for your family doctor and dentist as necessary.
- Enter your name in the “Signature of Parent or Guardian” section and click the “Submit” button to complete your registration.
NOTE: Each student returning to District 2 next year must be registered. To register another student, click their name in the blue bar at the top of the page and repeat Step 2.
STEP 2: Linking additional students to your account
If the student you want to register is not listed across the top of your Parent Portal homepage, the student has not been linked to your account. Follow these instructions to link the student to your account.
- Click the “Account Preferences” icon in the “Navigation” menu on the left side of the page.
- Click the “Students” tab in the “Account Preferences - Profile” section.
- Click the “Add” button.
- Enter the information required to connect the student to your account. The student’s Access ID and Password must be entered exactly as it is listed in their registration letter. If you do not have this information, please contact your child’s school.
PowerSchool Login
PowerSchool Resources
- PowerSchool Parent Portal Setup & Access Instructions (English)
- PowerSchool Parent Portal Setup & Access Instructions (Spanish)
- PowerSchool Parent Portal Account Creation Video (English)
- PowerSchool Parent Portal Account Creation Video (Spanish)
- PowerSchool Returning Student Registration Instructions (English)
- PowerSchool Returning Student Registration Instructions (Spanish)
- PowerSchool Returning Student Registration Instructional Video (English)
- PowerSchool App Installation Directions - Apple & Android (English)
- PowerSchool App Installation Directions - Apple & Android (Spanish)
Physical, Vision & Dental Examinations
Physical, Vision & Dental Examinations
Physical Examinations
Physical examinations are required for all children entering pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and sixth grade. Bring your child’s completed State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form to the health office by the first day of school.
Click here for the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form.
Click here for the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form (Spanish).
This exam form must be dated within one year prior to the first day of school. It must also be completed and signed by a licensed healthcare provider, and it must include a diabetes screening and lead screening for children who are 6 years old or younger. A tuberculosis (TB) skin test is recommended.
Vision Examinations
The state requires that students entering kindergarten present proof to the school of having had a vision examination. Students transferring from out of state, regardless of grade, are required to have an eye examination. Please return the Eye Examination Report to your child’s school.
Click here for the Eye Examination Report.
Click here for the Eye Examination Report (Spanish).
Dental Examinations
The state requires that students entering kindergarten, second, and sixth grades present proof to the school of having been examined by a dentist. Please return the Proof of School Dental Examination Form to your child's school.
Click here for the Proof of School Dental Examination Form.
Click here for the Proof of School Dental Examination Form (Spanish).
Required Examinations & Immunizations
Required Examinations & Immunizations
Click here for Physical, Vision & Dental Examination Forms.
Your child must meet certain health requirements under Illinois law. These laws are adopted to protect your child’s health and the health of the entire community.
Exams must be conducted within one year prior to the student entering the grade level. A completed “State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination'' form must be submitted to the school's health office by the first day of school. Students will be excluded from school until their required health forms are presented to the District.
The required examinations and immunizations are:
- Pre-School: (1) Health examination on the appropriate state form, including screening for lead, TB and diabetes. (2) Proof of updated immunizations. Your health care provider should review the immunization records to ensure the required immunizations are up to date.
- Kindergarten: (1) Health examination on the appropriate state form, including screening for lead, TB and diabetes. (2) Proof of updated immunizations. (3) Proof of Dental exam. (4) Proof of Vision exam. Your health care provider should review the immunization records to ensure the required immunizations are up to date.
- First Grade: No new items needed unless you have been notified by the school health office. If attending a public school for the first time, students must present proof of: (1) Health examination on the appropriate state form, including screening for TB and diabetes. (2) Proof of updated immunizations. (3) Proof of Dental exam. (4) Proof of Vision exam. Your health care provider should review the immunization records to ensure the required immunizations are up to date.
- Second Grade: Proof of Dental Exam. No other items needed unless you have been notified by the school health office.
- Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades: No new items needed unless you have been notified by the school health office.
- Sixth Grade: (1) Health examination on the appropriate state form including screening for TB and diabetes. (2) Proof of updated immunizations. (3) Proof of Dental exam. Your health care provider should review the immunization records to ensure the required immunizations are up to date.
- Seventh and Eighth Grades: No new items needed unless you have been notified by the school health office.
- Transfer students: Proof of required child health examination on the appropriate state form and proof of updated immunizations within 7 days of registration. Proof of a vision exam is required of all students entering an Illinois school for the first time.
- Sports: Students participating in sports need to have a yearly sports physical (IHSA forms are available from the coach, school nurse or your doctor). The sports physical is not acceptable as the required child health examination form required for enrollment, but the required health examination form is acceptable for both mandated requirement and sports if the area interscholastic sports is marked yes.
Click here for the sports physical form.
If you have any questions or need resources, please contact the health office at your child's school for information.
Health Examination & Immunization Data
On or before December 1 of each year, the school district makes publicly available the immunization data they are required to submit to the State Board of Education by November 15. Immunization data made publicly available must be identical to the data the school district or school has reported to the State Board of Education.
Click here for the District's latest health examination and immunization data.
Mental Health Supports
Non-Discrimination Title IX & Anti-Harassment
Non-Discrimination, Title IX & Anti-Harassment
Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment are Prohibited
The District prohibits harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, gender (including gender identity), religion, national origin, age, disability, alienage or citizenship status, marital status, creed, genetic predisposition or carrier status, sexual orientation, or any other protected status identified in Board Policy.
The District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education program, in compliance with Title IX of Federal law and the related regulations, including as to employment. Inquiries about the application of title IX and its regulations may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator (see below), to the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, or both.
- Click here for Board Policy 5:20 (harassment by employees is prohibited).
- Click here for Board Policy 7:20 (harassment of students by anyone is prohibited).
You can report a concern to several different persons: your immediate supervisor; or the Human Resources Coordinator; or the Complaint Managers; or Title IX Coordinators. See the list below.
Preventing & Reporting Sexual Harassment
Retaliation is Prohibited
The District prohibits retaliation against employees for bringing bona fide complaints, providing information about harassment, or participating in an investigation of such reports.
- Click here for Board Policy 2:260 (uniform grievance procedure).
- Click here for Board Policy 2:265 (Title IX sexual harassment grievance procedure).
A violation of Board Policy may result in discipline, up to and including discharge for employees and expulsion for students. This applies to harassment, to discrimination, and to knowingly making a false accusation regarding harassment or discrimination.
Reporting a Concern or a Complaint
Persons who feel comfortable doing so should directly inform the person engaging in the harassing conduct or communication that such conduct or communication is offensive and must stop.
It’s best to make such report as soon as possible, while facts are known and potential witnesses are available.
Employees or students can report in several ways. Report to your teacher (for students) or your supervisor (for employees), or to one of the following:
Non-Discrimination Coordinator
Dr. Anne Paonessa
630-766-5940 ext. 1105
BSD2 Educational Administration Center, 210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, IL 60106
Complaint Managers
Tammy Hoeflinger
630-766-5940 ext. 1106
BSD2 Educational Administration Center, 210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, IL 60106
Dustin Berman
630-766-5940 ext. 1107
BSD2 Educational Administration Center, 210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, IL 60106
Title IX Training Materials
District 2 uses PowerSchool for its student information system and gradebook. A PowerSchool student and parent portal is available online and through a mobile app. The student and parent portal will allow you to view current assignments, scores, report cards, and attendance information. An email address is required to access the parent portal. If you do not have an email address on file with your child’s school, please contact the school’s main office to have it added to your profile.
Contact the BSD2 Instructional Technology Team for login information or additional help.
Click here to login to the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
More About PowerSchool
PowerSchool supports more than 45 million students globally, including those at Fenton High School. Its user-friendly interface makes it a much easier system to navigate for all users, particularly parents, and its numerous customized reports will help the District identify trends and measure their impact in areas such as attendance, discipline, and grading.
PowerSchool Resources
School Closing Information
School Closing Information
The District’s mass notification system will contact all student households when a school must be closed for emergency reasons. School closings will also be posted on the District’s website,, and the Emergency Closing Center website, In cases of extreme weather or emergency situations, parents/guardians will receive a phone call, email, and/or text message no later than 6 a.m. if their contact information with the school is up to date. Please make certain your proper contact information is on file at your school to ensure you are notified through this system.
Emergency eLearning Days
Remote instruction (an eLearning day) will be scheduled when schools are closed due to severe weather. An eLearning day counts as a regular school day, and will not require the District to use a built-in emergency day at the end of the school year.
eLearning Days will begin an hour later than normal school days to provide teachers planning time to adjust their instruction for eLearning.
On eLearning Days, K-8 students will log into their Chromebooks that they already bring home daily, go to their Google Classrooms through their Classlink page, and join eLearning from the Google Meets link(s) posted there. Attendance will be taken, and students will then be engaged in live instruction for the entire five-hour school day.
An eLearning Day counts as a regular school day, and does not require the District to use a built-in emergency day at the end of the school year.
Parents will then be notified no later than 6 a.m. if the District is closing its schools and holding an eLearning Day. (No announcement means it will be a normal school day.)
School Safety
Student Handbook
Student Handbook
Illinois law requires that parents or guardians be notified annually of certain policies, procedures, and practices of the school district. Many of the policies are referenced in the student handbook. All policies are posted on the District’s website at, and are available for review in every school and at the Educational Administration Center, 210 S. Church Road, Bensenville.
A committee of parents, teachers, and administrators developed the handbook; each year, the booklet is reviewed and, if necessary, revised.
Your child will be held accountable for the behavior and consequences outlined in the handbook, both during the regular school day and at extracurricular activities. So please read and review the handbook with your child.
BSD2 2024-2025 Student Handbook
To search the handbook, enter your keywords in the search engine below. Click "Load More" to see additional search results.
- A. Welcome to Bensenville School District 2
- A. Welcome to Bensenville School District 2
- A. Welcome to Bensenville School District 2
- A. Welcome to Bensenville School District 2
- B. General Information
- B. General Information
To browse the handbook, click a section heading below to open that section of the handbook, and click a link listed beneath the section heading to read more about that topic.
- Welcome to Bensenville School District 2
- General Information
- Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- Dual Language & Multilingual Education
- Supports, Interventions & Social-Emotional Learning
- Special Education & Early Childhood Programs
- Health & Wellness
- Meals & Transportation
- Community Relations & Communications
- Safety & Emergencies
- Rights & Responsibilities
- Expectations for Extracurricular Activities
- Disciplinary Procedures
- Acknowledgements
Welcome to Bensenville School District 2
General Information
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Dual Language & Multilingual Education
Supports, Interventions & Social-Emotional Learning
Special Education & Early Childhood Programs
Health & Wellness
Meals & Transportation
Community Relations & Communications
Safety & Emergencies
Rights & Responsibilities
Expectations for Extracurricular Activities
Disciplinary Procedures
Village of Bensenville Youth Ordinances
In an effort to maintain and enhance the quality of life for residents of Bensenville, the Village of Bensenville has enacted several ordinances relating to youth behavior. These ordinances may be of importance to you since they contain strong components of parent responsibility. The following is a summary of the key points in these ordinances, which you may review with your child as appropriate. For a complete copy of the ordinances, please contact the Village of Bensenville.
Click here for the Intergovernmental Resolution Adoption of Community Standards of Behavior.
Title I Information
Title I
Title I is a federal education program that supports low-income students. Funds are distributed to high poverty schools as determined by the state's eligibility guidelines.
Blackhawk Middle School, Tioga School and W.A. Johnson School participate in District 2’s Title I program. The program focuses on early intervention at the preschool and elementary levels and provides supplemental programs in the areas of reading, math, student engagement, 21st Century skills and social-emotional learning.
- Title I Documents
- How are the Title I funds used?
- Title I Grant Parent Participation
- Right to Request Professional Qualifications
Title I Documents
How are the Title I funds used?
How are the Title I funds used?
Title I funds are used on a school-wide basis at all three schools to upgrade the schools’ educational programs. Title I is not a stand-alone program, but is coordinated with other District, state and federal programs to drive improved achievement in the schools. Title I funds provide additional student programs, extensive professional development for teachers, and a variety of parent and family programs.
Title I Grant Parent Participation
Title I Grant Parent Participation
These are some of the opportunities provided to parents/guardians to become involved in their child’s education:
- Surveys asking parents/guardians to determine their input on the effectiveness of the program.
- Meetings with teachers and other effective communications via telephone calls, e-mail, newsletters, personal contact, and letters.
- The Title I Parent Orientation meeting held at the start of the school year. At this meeting, parents/guardians will receive a copy of parent-involvement activities and policy. A Parent-School Compact will also be distributed.
Right to Request Professional Qualifications
Right to Request Professional Qualifications
All parents and guardians have the right to request the professional qualifications of the teachers who instruct your child and the paraprofessionals, if any, who assist them. You may request the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers and their paraprofessional assistants, if any:
- Whether the teacher has met Illinois qualification and licensing criteria;
- Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency permit or other provisional status by which state licensing criteria have been waived;
- Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
- Whether any instructional aides or paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if so, their qualifications.
Please contact the school office to receive this information.
Transcripts & Student Records
Transcripts & Student Records
Click here for the District's Online Transcript Request Form.
Processing can take between 24 and 48 hours. Transcripts may be mailed or picked up. We are unable to email transcripts.
Student Records
Parents/guardians may inspect their child’s records. All temporary records will be sent to a student’s new school after transfer following the school’s request for the records. Release of information to other agencies or persons requires a specific written and dated consent of the parent/guardian designating the person or agency to which records may be released.
Permanent student records consist of basic identifying information such as name, address, date of birth, parent/guardian names, transcripts, and attendance records. Those records are kept in the District’s Educational Administration Center located at 210. S Church Road in Bensenville. Permanent records are maintained for 60 years.
Temporary records consist of all needed information not required to be in the permanent records. They are maintained for at least five years after the student has transferred, graduated or otherwise permanently withdrawn, and may include intelligence and achievement scores, special education records, disciplinary records, teacher anecdotal notes, extracurricular participation, awards, and honors.
Parents/guardians who wish to inspect and/or question any or all of their child’s records should call the school principal for an appointment. Records may be copied at cost.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affords student the following rights with respect to their education records:
- to inspect and review records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access;
- to request an amendment to records that the parent/guardian or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading;
- to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the records, except that these disclosures may be made without consent:
Student records may be disclosed to school or District officials with a legitimate educational or administrative interest regarding the student. A school or District official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the Board of Education; or a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (including, but not limited to, attorneys, auditors, medical consultants, therapists, data analysis/storage/reporting firms, and Google Apps for Education). A school or District official has a legitimate educational or administrative interest if the official needs to review a student record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility or to provide the contracted service (as applicable).
Student records may be disclosed in accordance with the exceptions set forth in Section 6 of the Illinois School Student Records Act or otherwise as permitted by law.
to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of the law.
Students Leaving the District
Parents/guardians are asked to give at least a two-day notice when a student leaves the District. A transfer slip with a copy of the student’s health records will be provided to the parent/guardian on the student’s last day in District 2.
Records of tests and other pertinent data will be forwarded directly to the new school when requested by the new school. In keeping with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the records of a student may be inspected by parents/guardians.